Saturday, January 30, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.30.2010

MN+MR=J's birthday party

Today the girls donned some pirate gear for a pirate themed birthday party for their friend J. They had a blast celebrating with his family and friends. Happy Birthday, J!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Kodiak: Month Two

Our 16 week old puppy runs our house! It's like having a baby again... Our lives revolve around his schedule (or at least trying to be one step ahead of him in the house breaking department!)

I was a little worried the first month we had him because he didn't seem to like to walk... He would cry after only a few minutes. He has changed a lot in the last month and now really enjoys all of our outside time. I'm so happy as one of the reasons we brought Kodiak to our family was so i could have a hiking buddy this spring!

Kodiak seems to be a pretty typical puppy... He loves to run and romp and chew. He is very different than Balduf was at his age as Kodiak is very happy to go to sleep around 6:30/7 pm and sleep for the rest of the night. We'll wake him up to take him out a couple times, but he has no interest in staying up. We hope as he gets a little older that he will hang out with us at night and let us cuddle and pet him, but who am i to complain about a quiet, sleeping puppy?!

Here are a few more pictures of the fun we are having with him:

our skinny little guy:

Bill, you are not leaving me here alone with the girls:

yes, i can sleep anywhere:

lounging with Bill on a lazy afternoon:

i already know how to sit and pose:

walking on Brotherhood Bridge Trail:

playing in the snow:

walking by the Mendenhall River:

enjoying the snow at the glacier:

Kodiak and i sharing one of our favorite walks with Bill:

a family walk in Cope Park:

another morning on Brotherhood Bridge Trail:

getting braver while checking out the Mendenhall River:

our favorite spot for fetch - Mendenhall Glacier:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.28.2010

MN=going to the beach

For us, Thursday morning is skating morning. Both girlies are doing great and neither one used the bar at all today! Poor MN fell hard twice on her backside, and there were many tears. However, it wasn't anything that a cherry Pop Tart from the snack machine and a few minutes watching the Zamboni couldn't fix!

I've been trying to get the girls to walk Kodiak with me in the afternoon after their nap, sometimes it is quite a battle. (MN would readily trade Kodiak in for a turtle. "A turtle won't bite my animals and doesn't need to be trained!") With the ice on the sidewalk this winter, it's been tough to be consistent for safety's sake. The sun broke through the clouds while the girls were sleeping and i thought instead of walk, we should take the dog for his first trip to Sandy Beach! We walked, we threw the ball and frisbee for Kodaik, we looked for and found dinosaur bones, and watched the moon rise over Mt. Roberts. Since we stayed so long, i had to scrap our dinner plans (roast pork and cauliflower), but i really enjoyed our frozen pizza! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the fog

here are two pictures taken about 2 hours apart:

i love the fog here... love how it sits in the channel and swirls through the basins...
i wish i could get better pictures, but this is the best i can do today while sitting at a stoplight with my handy dandy phone :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.26.2010

MN+MR=Wii bowling with Daddy

Tonight, MR was super excited to start the game off with a strike! Since both girls rolled a strike apiece, a good time was had by all!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.25.2010

MN=the ice skating doggie show in the kitchen
MR=the ice skating dancing show in the kitchen

The girls had a blast this afternoon putting on shows for me in the kitchen while i cooked dinner. I would have taken pictures, but i was chopping veggies and rolling dough for yummy veggie stromboli. I'm sure this won't be the last performance!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.24.2010

MN+MR=playing Wii bowling

I'm not sure how we did it, but we finally got the girls to eat their dinner in about 35 minutes. We had enough time between dinner and bath to squeeze in one of their new fav games. MN scored one strike, but MR had the high score (of the two girls) of 100. Of course, MR wanted the strike and MN wanted the high score... There's always tomorrow... ;)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.23.2010

MN=playing with our new table
MR=going for a walk and getting a donut

We woke up this morning to a beautiful day! Instead of taking turns at the gym, we bundled up the girls and took a walk to enjoy the crisp morning.

In the afternoon, our neighbors offered us a small, low table for the girls (it used to be in their daughter's room). We put it in their bedroom and they has a blast playing ponies and doing puzzles on it. Thanks, friends! :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

my great day :)

Last night while calling to tell me that he would be home late, Bill surprised me by telling me that he was taking today off from work! Since it was the girls first day back to school in a week (no school Monday for MLK Day, home sick on Wednesday), i had lots of errands to run... However, we made time for some fun too!!

After dropping the girls off at school, we headed to the glacier for Kodiak's morning walk. It was a beautiful, clear morning, and we enjoyed a nice walk to the falls. Ever since i started hiking last spring, i've wanted Bill to join me for a walk. Although the glacier isn't new to him, the path we took was, and i'm glad we finally got to walk it together:

Next, Bill joined me in grocery shopping at Walmart and Fred Meyer. We picked the girls up from school, and went home for lunch. Bill had to run into work while the girls were napping, but while they were asleep, i got a little bit done on a project i'm working on. After their nap, Bill took Kodiak and the girls to Cope Park. I unloaded the dishwasher without being harassed by the dog (!), ran to the store for the one ingredient that i forgot this morning, and picked up my family at the park on my way home:

We enjoyed a great dinner by the fire (chili and chili-cheese muffins for Bill and i, waffles for the girls), and then went for a drive to see the stars.

It's not yet 8:30 pm... The girls and the dog are asleep... I have my computer, my project, and my best friend... A great end to a great day!

M+M Daily Favs 1.22.2010

MN+MR=taking a drive and looking at the stars

To take full advantage of this beautiful day, we took a drive after dinner to check out the stars. We had a great time listening to They Might Be Giants newest hits, and especially enjoyed listening to the girls sing along! Since both girlies have cough and colds, we are now looking forward to/hoping for a good night's sleep for everyone!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.21.2010


MR taking a break to watch Bill and MN

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A dream is a wish your heart makes...

Bill and i try to always ask the girls what they dream about... Sometimes elaborate stories emerge, sometimes, the answers are simple...

A week or two ago, i asked MR what she dreamed about during her nap. She simply replied: "Butterflies and fairies," and skipped away to play.

One or two nights ago, MN was tossing and turning in her sleep. I went in to check on her. She looked troubled, so i tried to wake her to ask her what she was dreaming about. Without opening her eyes, she rolled towards me and said: "Princesses." With that, she smiled, rolled back towards the wall, and sighed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.19.2010

MN=going on our pretend trip to Hawai'i and picking out my pretend new puppy
MR=going on our pretend trip

Last night, MR was running a fever. I had planned to take the girls to the field house to run around, but decided to keep them home so MR could rest. MR slept late, but MN was up early and raring to go! By the time breakfast was finished, MN had a plan for the day. This plan included packing every bag the girls could find with books, toys, and play money for their pretend trip. All of these bags ended up on the couch. A huge mess was made, but a good time was had by all (i even got to reorganize some of the toys!)

Monday, January 18, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.18.2010


M+M Daily Favs 1.17.2010

MN=playing the Memory game
MR=playing at home

Saturday, January 16, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 1.16.2010

MN=playing the Memory game and playing Legos
MR=having a tea party with Princess Bear and Love

Although we had plans to go out today, a nail in our tire changed our plans. The girls didn't seem to mind, and happily spent the day in their jammies. :)

M+M Daily Favs 1.15.2010

MN+MR=having our friends over to play

Tonight we had friends over for lasagna... Well, the grown-ups had lasagna and the kiddos had chicken nuggets. We ate, we drank, we enjoyed dessert... We played a real fun game and kept the girlies up way too late... Hope we can do it again soon!

M+M Daily Favs 1.14.2010

MN=playing at home
MR=ice skating

MN "napping" on the ice

MR chasing down a beanbag