Sunday, December 26, 2010

M+M Daily Favs: December 2010

MN+MR: instrument practice
I was so happy to hear this, because sometimes getting the girls to practice (especially MN!) is such a chore! Bill and i love hearing them play, and it's so much fun that all the notes are finally coming together in recognizable songs!!

MN: making a card at school
MR: school and sledding
First time sledding this season... Bring on the snow! :)
Kodiak out for a romp in the morning snow

oops, i forgot to write it down!

MN+MR: setting up the tree
For the first time in our married life, we purchased and set up an artificial tree. We have a tiny apartment here and thought an artificial tree would be easier now and then an extra tree in the years to come. The girls were very opposed to the idea at first, but once it was up and lit and decorated, they gave it their stamp of approval!

MN+MR: party
A couple in Bill's office hosted a Christmas party today at their home. It was great fun to get together with everyone (Bill and i really like the people he works with and their spouses, and the girls love their kiddos!) and start celebrating Christmas!

MN: hanging out with Dad
MR: practicing German with Dad
Today i woke up with a nasty case of step throat. I had a little sore throat yesterday, but just thought it was a cold and had no idea what was in store for me. Luckily, Bill was able to take care of everything... I am so lucky he was here! He got the girls to school, got me to the doctor, was let out early from work for snow and arrived home in time to pick up M&M. The upside of me being sick, was that the girls got to spend some extra time with Daddy. Bill's commute is so much longer than it was in Juneau, and the girls miss having him home for lunch. Maybe i should become terribly ill more often! ;) Thanks, Bill!! We are so lucky to have you!!!

MN: being with mama
MR: school (so i asked, what about school and she answered: recess!)

MN+MR: school

MN: making paper gingerbread houses at school
MR: school

MN+MR: party
Tonight was another great party... We got together with people we don't get to see all that often and had so much fun sharing plans and hearing stories about all of our adventures here... Thanks H Family!

MN: guitar
MR: being with my family

MN: party and church
MR: church and party
Happy Birthday, A! Thanks for inviting us to join in your birthday fun!!

MN: school
MR: piano

MN: being with mommy
MR: the whole thing

MN: seeing Daddy
MR: school
Daddy had to work late this week, so it was nice to have him home for dinner tonight! :)

oops, i forgot to write down what they said!

MN+ MR: school

MN+MR: sledding
So far this winter season we have had four delayed opening and one early dismissal. The snow comes, then the rain comes... We sled and sadly watch the snow disappear... We had late starts both Thursday and Friday, but the snow stuck around and we were able to go sledding today!

MN+MR: market
We finally were able to make it downtown to Stuttgart's Christmas Market! The girls had a great time listening to the street performers and taking a ride in a Christmas ornament, Bill and i enjoyed snacking and tasting the different Gluhweins. ;)
heading into the market

Stuttgart scenery

many of the stall are elaborately decorated

M&M admiring their favorite performers of the day

running to the window of their favorite store

riding over the Schlossplatz in a Christmas ornament ;)

MN+MR: sledding
An unexpected snowstorm blew in this morning and dumped enough snow to go sledding again! (When i walked Kodiak early this morning, there was very little snow left anywhere, and not nearly enough to go sledding.) After not getting a lot of snow last year in Juneau, we are thoroughly enjoying every flake!!

twenty first
MN+MR: going to the Christmas market
Today, Bill took the day off and we headed to the Esslingen Christmas market. Esslingen is part of the greater Stuttgart area, so we weren't far from home... However, we felt like we were in a different world in this sweet town along the Neckar River. Esslingen hosts 2 different markets... One a Christmas Market and the other a Medieval Christmas Market. Living in a small apartment and having very little space for storage, i'm not much into collecting anything right now, but we have a great time looking around at all the wares and an even better time sampling all of the awesome goodies! ;)
walking into town

around The Protestant Parish Church

inside the church

the Esslingen Museum

entering the market

the wild game stalls

awesome decorations

town hall

the medieval ferris wheel ;)

admiring the fountain

the buildings in town

performers in the Medieval Market

the market manger scene

the Neckar through town

market souvenir

twenty second
MN+MR: decorating cookies and gingerbread houses
At Christmas 2008, we put together and decorated our first gingerbread house. The girls loved it so much that we did it again the next year. Luckily for me, Costco had a nice little kit that made the whole process very simple. This year without Costco, i wasn't sure what to do. (I miss shopping at Costco so much! I miss being able to buy toilet paper, paper towels, and dishwasher tabs in large quantities!! This aspect of European shopping [buying in small amounts] is not for me!!!) I was shopping with my neighbor, who found a little kit, but i was hesitant to purchase 2 of them as i wasn't sure how good they were. I remembered a fellow teacher making "gingerbread houses" using graham cracker squares, and thought i would try that out this year. At first, the girls were not happy with this plan. The squares were too small, the houses were too small... I made one to show them how to fit the pieces together and then decorated it along side them while they were working on theirs. Once they saw all the crazy candies i bought to decorate with, they were won over! Despite their size, i don't think these came out too badly and i think a new tradition had been born!!

putting the house together

waiting for the frosting to harden

decorating gingerbread men to help pass the time

M&M's handiwork

our "gingerbread" village

twenty third
MN+MR: shopping for sissie
For the first time in their short lives, both girls asked both Bill and i to take them shopping by themselves so they could purchase a gift for their sister. We were both so excited by the girls' thoughtfulness for each other... They even knew what they wanted to get! Today, we took them shopping and they each picked out a small Playmobil toy and book for each other. I took care of the wrapping, but they each wrote out their own tags are are so excited to give their gifts to each other. I know there will be a few presents under the tree for me on Christmas morning, but i think that (my girls being so giving to each other without being prompted) is the best gift i could ever receive!

twenty fourth
MN+MR: singing Happy birthday to Jesus at church and having our friends over
Despite the crazy snow, we drove into town to attend and afternoon Christmas Eve service at a new church. It is newly renovated and lovely! The service was very nice and the girls had a blast singing in the "kids' choir" and helping hold up the Gospel for the reading. After a homemade German dinner, we enjoyed dessert with our neighbors. M&M adore their sons (most likely because they are good guys!) and had so much fun with them watching Mickey's Christmas Carol, snacking, and playing. Thanks for joining us, V Family! Merry Christmas!!
the animals singing carols

St. Catherine's Church

twenty fifth
We had an awesome day celebrating Christmas, opening gifts, singing, playing, cooking, and eating... Thanks, B Family, for inviting us to join you all and more friends for Christmas dinner! Merry Christmas!!

twenty sixth
MN+MR: Mr. G's snow fort
One of our neighbors is a Boy Scout, and his father is one of the den leaders. Last winter, they went camping and built their own snow fort to sleep in. Yesterday afternoon, i watched him build and then abandon a huge pile of snow. As Bill learned later, you must first make the pile and then let it sit before hollowing out the inside. As G started to work, Bill and the girls went out to watch and "help". Thanks, G, for letting the girls join in the fun... They had a blast!

twenty seventh
MN+MR: playdate with J and G

twenty eighth
MN+MR: opening presents
Today, several packages from the states arrived that held presents for the girls to open... They were thrilled! Thanks everyone!! :)

twenty ninth
MN+MR: getting to Mr. P's house

MN+MR: seeing the old churches

thirty first
MN+MR: fireworks and firecrackers