Tuesday, February 23, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.23.2010

MN=talking to W on the computer

Today, we added a new love to our lives... WL was born this morning in Massachusetts! My sis is doing great, and PS loved meeting his new baby brother. Thanks to modern technology and skype, we got to see Amy, Paul, Baby W and witness PJ holding Baby for the first time!

Monday, February 22, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.22.2010

MN=making purple cupcakes with pink frosting
MR=frosting! oh, eating delicious cupcakes, I mean!!

Last week and this week too, the girls have been studying P at school. Last Wednesday, they wore their pjs to school and had a pancake party for snack. Today, they wore pink and purple to school and are going to the police station on Wednesday. To honor P at home, we made purple cupcakes with pink frosting... Yum!

M+M Nightly Dreams 2.21.2010

MN=Minnie (Minnie Mouse)
MR=Daddy, Me, Kodiak, MN, and Mommy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The "Multi Day Fog Event" / Sometimes Dreams Do Come True! ;)

I check this site almost daily for Juneau weather. On Monday night, it was forecasting a "Multi Day Fog Event". I have never heard of such a thing! It stuck in my head; so when i got up this morning, i was not surprised to see fog at the window. The fog persisted most of the day, but cleared up nicely in the afternoon. Bill was set to leave for a short 2 day trip to Anchorage tonight. However, as we drove to the airport this evening, the fog became thicker once again. I checked his flight status to find that his flight had been canceled. He ran inside just to check, but emerged from the airport minutes later and drove us home. There have been time that i was sure that his flights would be canceled, but despite all the trips he took last year, he's only had one delay. Once when we lived in NJ, he got stuck in Miami while the girls and i had the stomach flu... Some guys have all the luck! I'm glad this cancellation worked out in my favor!

usually this is a view of the mountain and the channel
this morning, it's a river of fog

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.17.2010

MN+MR=pajama day at school

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.16.2010

MN=playing with my turtle
MR=dance class

M+M's dance teacher offers the class a chance to earn a treasure when they fill up a sticker card for doing well in class and practicing at home. Two weeks ago, the girls realized they only needed one more sticker... A treasure should have been earned last week... However, we had to leave class early due to a dentist appointment... The girls left dance class in tears. So, after looking forward to it for two weeks, the girls got to celebrate by choosing a treasure today! MN chose a small turtle, MR selected a heart bracelet. Happy days are here again! ;)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.14.2010

MN=watching the Olympics and making lots of new friends at church
MR=getting a rose

We're a little behind here... We finally watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics today and the girls loved it! MN especially liked the Four Nations dances and described it in great detail before bed and begged to watch it again tomorrow.

Bill picked out a rose for each girl, and we put it by their breakfast plate this morning... MR carried hers around most of the day using it to both dance and pay school.

There was a lot of love in our day... We enjoyed cards and flowers and sweets... There were lots of hugs and kisses... I hope you enjoyed the loves in your life today too! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.13.2010

MN=sleeping in our sleeping bags
MR=getting balloons from Daddy
Bill=shopping with the girls for Valentine's Day
me=cuddling in the morning with the girlies in their sleeping bags

Last night, the girls slept on the floor of their room in their sleeping bags. This morning, we were invited to join them. I had a blast cuddling and pretending to get get some extra sleep. ;)

Bill ran out this morning for bagels and croissants for breakfast, and then again to surprise the girls with balloons. He ran the girls out after their nap to do some more shopping, and i was treated to some early Valentine flowers and candy.

We took a nice long walk this morning before the crazy wind picked up, had a super fun dinner with friends... Hard to imagine that tomorrow could be much better! Hope you are all feeling the love! :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.12.2010

MN=playing in the big gym
MR=looking at all my valentines

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.10.2010

MN=all the things
MR=going to school
me=holding hands with MN and blowing kisses to MR

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.9.2010

MN=Wii bowling and going to the dentist
MR=going to the dentist

Since i waited to so long to bring them, i was a little worried about the girls first visit to the dentist. I shouldn't have spent a thought, they were great! They got 2 sets of xrays, a light cleaning, and had a great time playing with all the tools. The two hygienists were fantastic. The girls love their new toothbrushes and worked extra hard to brush like they were told. Keep up the good work, girlies! ;)

M+M Nightly Dreams 2.8.2010

MN - I didn't dream about anything. But when i wasn't dreaming, I had a song in my head.
MR - a rainbow butterfly with a rainbow diamond in a rainbow heart flying over a rainbow

Thursday, February 4, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.4.2010

MN=playing with all my animals
MR=Wii bowling

Tonight, MR earned a Wii bowling score of 164 and was the family winner for the night! She finally got her dream of having a "badge" next to her name (Wii puts a star next to the winner's name) and went to bed a very happy girl.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

M+M Daily Favs 2.3.2010

MN+MR=dancing in the kitchen

In our house in NJ, we had a tiny kitchen. When we moved to CT, the kitchen in the house we rented was huge! Most nights, Bill and the girls would rock out while i did the dishes. When we moved to the lighthouse, the tradition faded as we had a small crowded kitchen once again. We spend a lot of time in the kitchen here... The girls have their little table in there for breakfast and arts and crafts. Since bringing Kodiak into the family, we've been spending more time in there to keep our rugs safe from the puppy. Tonight, Bill and the girls wanted to dance. I asked them to do it in the living room to give me room to clean up. It just felt wrong. After less than a minute, all five of us were crowded in the kitchen working and laughing and dancing. Just the way it should be! :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A New Posting: M+M Nightly Dreams 2.1.2010

Bill and i have ben asking the girls about their dreams for almost as long as we have been asking them about their favorite parts of the day. I thought it was time to start recording/sharing these little funnies too. :)

MN = giraffes
MR = boats, and light up tinkerbells, and light up butterflies, and light up snowglobes