Thursday, August 11, 2011

M+M Daily Favs: August 2011

Monday, August 1st
MN+MR: the pool!
M+M have become pretty good little swimmers (for those with no formal training) since arriving back in the states... when Bill booked hotels, he looked for: places that took dogs and served breakfast... a lot of our hotels have had pools too and M+M have had a blast... this pool (at the Super 8 in Fort Nelson British Columbia) had a super fast water slide that the girls loved... Bill and i liked it because all that time on the slide and in the water made M+M sleep like rocks... i only wish Kodiak could have used it too! ;)

Tuesday, August 2nd
MN+MR: seeing all the animals
we were told that we would see lots of wildlife during our drive on the Alaska Highway... today was the day... bison, bears, moose... amazing (and a little scary when the bear approached our car!)

Wednesday, August 3rd
MN+MR: getting a cookie
today we arrived in Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon. after wandering around town, we happened across a great bakery with delicious cookies for dessert! thanks, baked!

Thursday, August 4th
MN+MR: getting back to Alaska!
we have been in Canada since last Wednesday... M+M were ridiculously excited to cross the border into the United States and dance wildly in from of the "Welcome to Alaska" sign... we're almost home...

Friday, August 5th
MN+MR: getting to Juneau!
we made it! :)

Saturday, August 6th
MN+MR: being all done with houses
well, we are far from being done looking at houses, but today was a marathon day... M+M were troopers, but let us know that house hunting is not their favorite way to spend the day.

Sunday, August 7th
MN+MR: going to Eagle Beach
sun in Juneau? head to the beach! we didn't see too many eagles today, but we loved walking on the beach, splashing in the puddles, collecting shells, and playing fetch with Kodiak.

Monday, August 8th
MN: getting my dolly
MR: playing with my dolly
today, MN woke up sick. Bill and i quickly rearranged our plans. its always a pain to change things up at the last minute, but the upside was that Bill was able to bring the girls dolls back with him. we flew from Germany to NJ with the dolls in our luggage, but were not able to fit them in the car for the cross country drive. we shipped them to Juneau and they arrived before we did. M+M played (MR) and cuddled (MN) with their dolls all afternoon. being separated from their toys has certainly made the girls appreciate them more! yeah!!

Tuesday, August 9th
MN+MR: going to Daddy's work
as much as we loved living in Germany, the girls missed visiting Bill's office. he worked in a secure space (no personal cell phones and other measures) and shared a small office with 3 others, so it was not the best place for 2 excited 5/6 year olds. this morning i went to the dentist, and the girls quietly played in Bill's office... we are very lucky to have a set up like that!

Wednesday, August 10th
MN+MR: going to the library
believe it or not, my Juneau library card was still active! before we left, i made sure the account was in order (no late fees, no books unreturned)... today i updated our address (sadly to our post office box because we still haven't found a place to live) and phone number, and the girls and i picked out a large number of books to bring "home" with us. loved, loved, loved the libraries here... so happy to be back!!

Thursday, August 11th
MN+MR: going to Daddy's work
today i tried to register the girls for school... kind of hard when you live in a hotel and don't plan on being there much longer, but at the same time have no idea where we are going to live. at least the girls had fun!

Friday, August 12th
MN+MR: dinner at the Buoy Deck
We had dinner with a couple friends from Bill's office on Friday night... We always have fun with J, A, and M and tonight we got to meet Baby A (daughter of A and M, who was born while we were in Germany). M&M were enthralled with this sweet baby girl... I got to hold her for a long time and even helped her take a little nap!

Saturday, August 13th
MN+MR: seeing A&A!
The V family were the first ones to welcome us to Juneau when we arrived in 2008... They also drove us to the airport when we left in 2010... M&M and A&A spent a lot of time playing together over the course of the almost 2 years we lived here, and were sorely missed when we moved to Germany. The V's had family visiting the week we arrived, so this was our first chance to get the kiddos together... They were nice enough to ask us to be their guests on the tram on this gorgeous Saturday! We rode up, hiked around, climbed trees, took pictures, chatted, saw Lady Baltimore, and rode back down... Thanks so much, V Family! We missed you lots and are so excited to have another year with you!!

Sunday, August 14th
MN+MR: having the tour at church
When we moved to Juneau in 2008, we visited several churches before settling in at Holy Trinity. At the time we began attending, services were being held in the church hall of another parish as Holy Trinity had been lost in a fire some time before our arrival. In December 2009, the church opened again for services. The building was a long way from being finished, and a lot has been done in the year we've been gone... Our friend B was kind enough to show us all the changes that have been made and fill us in on what still needs to be done. Thanks B... It's so great to see you, D, and all of our church friends again!

Monday, August 15th
MN+MR: going to Daddy's work
We decided to pick Bill up from work this evening, but of course he wasn't ready when we arrived... This allowed me to rummage through the boxes being stored there and the girls to play with their Polly Pockets for a little while... Good time! ;)

Tuesday, August 16th
MN+MR: staying in our jammies for a long time
This morning, MR woke up with a slight fever. My remedy... lots of jammie and tv time... What else can i do in a hotel room?!

Wednesday, August 17th
MN+MR: going to the new pool
During our time in Germany, the city of Juneau completed the Dimond Park Aquatic Center... It's an awesome new pool with slides, a splash area... All the best fun things for kiddos... Finally (after 10 days of being in Juneau), the girls got there! They were in heaven and slept like rocks!!

Thursday, August 18th
MN+MR: starting music lessons
Last fall, MN started guitar lessons and MR started piano lessons They finished their lessons in Germany in June, and have been excited to get back to them. I hope that they will be as excited about practicing! ;)

Friday, August 19th
MN+MR: dinner at the Buoy Deck
looks like this might be our new Friday night event... at least until skating lesson start

Saturday, August 20th
MN+MR: moving to the new apartment
we moved out of the airport hotel today into a vacation rental apartment... it' nice to have some room to spread out and the girls love the shelves in the closet (they unpacked all of their things!)

Sunday, August 21st
MN+MR: playing on the beach
we are lucky to be staying in an apartment on the water... at low tide, a rocky beach is exposed. during a break in the rain, the girls and i took Kodiak outside for a walk and explored... we found lots of dead salmon (so cool and so yucky!) and a stream... we had fun testing the limits of our boots crossing the stream!

Monday, August 22nd
MN+MR: having dinner with all of our friends

Tuesday, August 23rd
MN: school
me: What about school? MN: Recess! me: i'm so glad that you liked recess, i know you were worried about going out to play in the rain. What did you like best about classroom time?MN: Math... No, morning meeting... No, math... Morning meeting and math!
MR: school, the whole day of it!
Today was M&M's first day of first grade. This is their fifth school in four years (three preschools in two years, kindergarten in Germany, and now first grade in Juneau). I am so proud of how they handled being new again! Both girls were nervous, but settled into their rooms with their teachers and came home excited and full of things to tell me about their day. I think another great school year is underway!!

Wednesday, August 24th
MN: meeting M
MR: coming home
Today MN was super excited when i picked her up because she had made a friend!
I love that MR was so excited to come home, but i want her to love school as much as she did last year... When pressed, she decided that counseling (a 30 minute class activity once a week, today focusing on listening) was her favorite part of the school day (after recess!)

Thursday, August 25th
MN: watching the salmon
MR: meeting my new friend C
I ask the girls this question each night before bed... Most of the time i record their answers right away, but sometimes i don't... Most of the times i remember what they told me, sometimes i don't...
It's Friday afternoon right now... I forgot what they told me last night, so i asked again...
This was not MN's original answer... Her original answer was about something from school, but i have to say i'm glad this is what she remembers! The rain took a break yesterday, so we spent about an hour on the beach watching the salmon. It's nearing the end of spawning season, but there are still several salmon working to lay those eggs... We watched 6 yesterday... Two were definitely near the end of their lives and the girls were very worried about the mommy and baby salmon... "Who will help the babies swim if the mommy is in heaven?" So hard to explain spawning!
I'm soo happy that MR is finally talking about a friend from class! She was very worried the first couple days... There is a boy in her class who was calling names and threatening to push children... She was nervous about having to stand up for herself. I think having a friend will help! Buddy system!!

Friday, August 26th
MN: getting frozen yogurt
MR: going to the Buoy Deck and getting frozen yogurt
For the last three Fridays, we have enjoyed a fun dinner at the Buoy Deck with friends and then gone out for frozen yogurt... It's become a fun tradition that we all enjoy and look forward to. Happy Weekend! :)

Saturday, August 27th
MN: having the fire
MR: going to the party
Our little vacation apartment has a fireplace... After a week of begging, we finally gave in a started a small fire... We've missed having a fireplace!
Today was the Welcome Social for the JCGFMA... We had a great time seeing old friends and making new ones... Here's to a another great time in Juneau!

Sunday, August 28th
MN: going swimming
MR: going to the party
On the first day of school, MR was invited to a birthday party... It was the first time she had been invited to a party without her sister. Both sisters were a little upset about this (MN more so... What if Sissie gets a goody bag?!), but we worked it out... The party was held at the new swimming pool, so both girlies got to swim (thanks goodness Bill was home to help out!) When it was time for the party part, MR saved a cookie for her sister! As you can read, a good time was had by all!!

Monday, August 29th
MN+MR: going skating!
Today was our first day back on skates after more than a year... It was slow going, but the girls are determined!

Tuesday, August 30th
MN: getting your new phone
MR: going to the phone store
One week ago today, the girls were standing in a stream watching the salmon. One second i was taking a picture of them, the next thing i knew i was searching for my phone in the cold, swirling water. My new phone arrived in the mail today (thanks, A, for taking delivery!), and then we had to spend an hour waiting for our turn to get a new sim card, etc. A long unexpected afternoon, but so worth it! My next purchase? A phone case with a strap!

Wednesday, August 31st
MN: cuddling with you
MR: going to the dentist
What a way to finish up the month... Clean teeth and a happy heart! :)